The overarching Regulation no. 1303/2013 on ESI Funds establishes the principles, goals, actions and responsibilities regarding information and communication, providing for the definition of a 7-year Communication strategy for each Operational Programme.
The Communication strategy of the OP on Governance and Institutional Capacity was approved at the first meeting of the Monitoring Committee, in July 2015.
According to the regulatory provisions, the document illustrates the characteristic elements of the approach adopted for the Programme; the principal measures, actions and tools for supporting the beneficiaries in their information and communication measures; organizational structure; budget and procedures for evaluating the activities undertaken.
A detailed overview of the information and communication measures planned each year is contained in the Communication Plans submitted to the Monitoring Committee, together with annual information reports on the implementation of the strategy and the results achieved.
Person responsible for information and communication measures:
Riccardo Monaco – Managing Authority