Four Axes, four different areas for interpreting the concept of capacity-building in the PA: the logo of the Operational Programme on Governance and Institutional Capacity for the 2014-2020 period – featuring a colour scheme consistent with the OP on Governance and Technical Assistance for the 2007-2013 period – depicts the intervention strategy and the complementary nature of the actions, graphically highlighting the Programme’s results-centred approach.
The font used to write the text of the logo is Helvetica LT STD BLACK
Colour scheme code
Negative version
To ensure maximum legibility of all the sections, based on the background colour the choice will fall on a negative version with coloured graphics of a pure negative version.
Black, white and monochrome versions
Black and white print versions do not require tones obtained using screening process.
Monochrome print versions do not require tones obtained using screening process.
The colours to be used are shown in the table.