One of the main innovations, with regard to information and communication, in the programming cycle for the 2014-20 period is undoubtedly the extension of the list of Beneficiaries, called the list of operations, which is supplemented by the fields containing a description of the co-financed projects. This contributes to strengthening the results orientation of the current cycle of the cohesion policy, shifting the focus from the parties involved in the implementation to the contents of the projects.
To ensure full transparency to support under the Funds, the regulatory provisions have introduced a standard format for project data analysis and comparison, within the framework of the same Operational Programme, between different Programmes or also with respect to the other Member States.
Data released in open format, or under licences allowing their re-use by Administrations, businesses, the civil society and media, to foster participation and forms of civic “monitoring” of the implementation of co-financed projects.
The list of operations relating to the OP on Governance and Institutional Capacity for the 2014-2020 period has been prepared by the Managing Authority and is based on the fields indicated in Annex XII to the general Regulation on the ESI Funds no. 1303/2013, integrated in a broader information set for online publication single national OpenCoesione portal.