The Certifying Authority has the task of certifying the expenditure transmitted by the Managing Authority and submitting payment applications to the European Commission.
The Certifying Authority attests that the expenditure set out in the payment applications results from reliable accounting systems, is based on verifiable supporting documents and has been subject to verifications by the Managing Authority.
The Certifying Authority is also responsible for drawing up the accounts, certifying that the expenditure entered in them complies with the applicable rules and has been incurred in respect of operations selected for funding in accordance with the criteria applicable to the Programme.
The full list of functions of the Certifying Authority can be found in article 126 of Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013.
The functions of Certifying Authority for the OP on Governance and Institutional Capacity for the 2014-2020 period have been assigned to the Agency for Territorial Cohesion – Office 1 of the Programme and Procedures Area
Agency for Territorial Cohesion
Office 1 of the Programme and Procedures Area
Nicolino Paragona