Supporto all'operatività della riforma in materia di semplificazione
Department of Public Administration
Developed in conjunction with the Delivery Unit project, the project’s aim is to support the actions for simplification and reducing the expenses and timeframes of procedures – as provided under the PA reform and coordinated at all levels of government – also monitoring their implementation.
The project’s aim is to build the competences of the officials and managers involved in the One-Stop-Shops for Production Activities and the One-Stop-Shops for Building Planning and supporting the Regions and Local Authorities in key areas, such as, for example: Certified Notification of Construction Works in Progress; simplification and unification of the forms required under the procedures relating to the initiation of construction and environmental activities; standardisation of procedures at regional and local level.
Finally, the project provides for monitoring and verification activities relating to the implementation of the PA reform, actions and measures provided in the Agenda for simplification and operation of points of contact with the public. This line will also be used to implement the nationwide monitoring system and activities shall be executed for monitoring the implementation of the simplification measures and actions within regional governments and Local Authorities.