National Health Service
Ministry of Health
The project’s aim is to strengthen and consolidate the processes for redefining and innovating the National Health Service, through the introduction of monitoring tools and for checking the adequacy of the supply network – with regard to personnel, goods and services – to ensure the fairness and universal nature of the system, as well as the essential levels of care, for expense auditing purposes.
The project goals are making available methods for analysing the levels of operational effectiveness and efficiency of the health care authorities, also by means of a comparison and assessment with other health care authorities at national or regional level.
These methods are tools for identifying criticalities in the supply of care services and redefining the use of resources for a more efficient management, capable of adjusting the supply of health care services to meet the needs of citizens.
The methods developed at central level, for the definition of appropriate hospital and territorial services, shall be shared with the Regions, to foster systematic programming and management activities, based on joint governance, with regard to health care, as a tool for improving the effectiveness of the services and pursuing restructuring objectives.